Kenmore is a USA-based brand that was established in the year 1913. Their first product was a sewing machine. Later they expanded to washing machines and other home appliances.
With over 100 years of history, Kenmore products are reliable and trusted. Today the brand is part of the company Sears.
Kenmore is relatively new to making garbage disposals. They have only around 6 disposal models so far. But the brand’s name does help an impression on customers.

Best Kenmore Garbage Disposals
Given below is our list of the best garbage disposals by Kenmore.
Kenmore 70235
Kenmore 70211
Kenmore 70351
Kenmore 70361
1/3 HP, 1900 RPM
13.9 x 7.7 inch, 31 oz
Continuous Feed
Galvanized Steel
Power Cord Included
Noise Insulation – Yes
2-year Warranty
1/2 HP, 2600 RPM
13.9 x 7.7 inch, 31 oz
Continuous Feed
Galvanized Steel
Power Cord Not Included
Noise Insulation – Yes
2-year Warranty
3/4 HP, 2700 RPM
14.5 x 8.5 inch, 32 oz
Continuous Feed
Stainless Steel
Power Cord Not Included
Noise Insulation – Yes
5-year Warranty
3/4 HP, 2700 RPM
14.5 x 8.5 inch, 32 oz
Continuous Feed
Stainless Steel
Power Cord Not Included
Noise Insulation – Yes
7-year Warranty
Kenmore Garbage Disposal Reviews
1. Kenmore 70235 Garbage Disposal Review
Kenmore’s 70235 model comes with a 1/3Hp motor with 1900 RPM. It is lighter than its previous model but with better quality. Its grinding chamber can accommodate around 31 ounces of food waste. With respect to building quality, its grinding components are made of galvanized steel, and stainless steel would have been better. This is a continuous feed type garbage disposal and comes with a power cord, none of the other 3 Kenmore models include power cords. It gives decent performance over long-term use and is reliable. It is covered under a 2-year warranty.
2. Kenmore 70211 Garbage Disposal Review
Kenmore’s 70211 model comes with a 1/2Hp motor with 50% more RPM than its previous model. It has approximately the same dimensions and chamber capacity as the 70235 model but looks different. Its grinding components are made of galvanized steel and have decent sound insulation. It is covered under a 2-year warranty.
3. Kenmore 70351 Garbage Disposal Review
This garbage disposal is bigger and more powerful than the 70211 model. It has a chamber capacity of 32 ounces and sports a 3/4HP motor with 2700RPM. This high-speed motor is capable of going down food waste quickly. It is also able to cut through jams thus avoiding any hindrance to its smooth working.
The grinding components of this disposer are made of Stainless steel which guarantees long-term life. It has decent noise insulation and comes with a warranty of 5 years.
4. Kenmore 70361 Garbage Disposal Review
This garbage disposal is very similar to the 70351 model reviewed above. But this one has 3 times the sound insulation than the latter. In addition, this also has better build quality and a 7-year warranty.
Like disposals by all brands Kenmore garbage disposals too share some common features.
- All Kenmore garbage disposals use a 3-bolt mount. The good thing about this is the mounting is sturdy and prevents any vibrations while running the disposal.
- All Kenmore disposals use high-speed motors. This reduces the probability of jams as high-speed blades tend to cut through most possible jams.
- These disposals do not come with power cords.
While Kenmore disposals may not be as popular as their main competitors their popularity is increasing nonetheless.
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