Are you trying to dispose of a toilet and do not know how to do it? For the most part, your garbage company will probably take your toilet as a bulk item in your regular trash pick-up. Yet, some people choose to drop off toilets themselves because they do not wish for their old commode to sit in front of their homes.
The average cost of dropping off a toilet at a landfill is $16.75. However, this cost will vary depending on the landfill’s rates. Most landfills accept toilets, but check the restrictions that they have in place before bringing the old toilet to the local landfill.
I have looked through several cities and charted out the cost of dumping a toilet in their landfill. Read on to understand where would be a good place to dump a toilet.
Cost to Dump Toilets in Different Cities
Rexburg, Idaho
In Rexburg, Idaho, it is very cheap to drop off a toilet. The cost to drop off a toilet will be about $2. All you have to do is show up with your toilet and the person working would be more than happy to help you dispose of the toilet.
Provo, Utah
Provo, Utah, is often compared to Rexburg Idaho since they have similar demographics. Yet, unlike Rexburg, Idaho it is rather expensive to drop off a toilet at a landfill. In Provo, it costs about $36 to drop off a toilet. This is $34 more than what it costs in Rexburg, Idaho.
There are a lot more houses in Provo, Utah. It would be more convenient, if you have a house, to leave your commode outside with your regular trash pick up. They will take it without an extra cost, and then you will be free of it.
Newark, Ohio
In Newark, Ohio, it will cost you $5 to drop off your toilet at the landfill. In Newark, Ohio it is mainly housing. There is a lot of housing. In the outstretches of the city there is more spacing for housing.
In Newark, Ohio, the garbage collectors will haul your toilet away for free if you count it as a bulk item in your trash pick-up. Therefore, if you have space in your trash pick-up, you won’t have to make a trip to the local landfill and you will save $5.
Parkersburg, West Virginia
It will cost you $20 to dump your toilet at the landfill in Parkersburg, West Virginia, but not for the reasons you think. Unlike the other cities, it is 100% free to dump your toilet in Parkersburg, West Virginia on Saturdays. Yet, there is one hidden fee. You are not trained to deal with the trash in a landfill, therefore, the employees need to supply you with safety supplies.
To dump your toilet, you will need to rent a $20 set of goggles and a hard hat. That is where the extra fee comes from. Therefore, while it is free to dump your toilet at the landfill, you will still need to pay for safety equipment. You may be able to bring your own safety equipment, but the employees may not allow you to use it, as they cannot prove that it is reliable and meets the safety standards of their facility.
Little Rock, Arkansas
In Little Rock, Arkansas, it will cost you about $10 to drop off your toilet at the local landfill. The cost covers the time it takes to help you unload and find a place to handle your toilet.
Little Rock, Arkansas is on the cheaper end of toilet drop-off costs. This doesn’t mean that this is the best option on what to do with your commode. Why pay to get rid of your old toilet when there are free reuse options.
Austin, Texas
In Austin, Texas, it costs $27.50 to dump your toilet. While it is cheaper than Provo, Utah, it still costs $25.50 more than Rexburg, Idaho. This makes you question is it really worth dumping your toilet in Austin Texas.
It is a hazard to have people dump their waste in their local landfills. This is why landfills like the landfill in Austin, Texas charge so much to dump your toilet. They have to get insurance and provide safety measures to make sure nothing negative happens after you drop off your toilet. It is also a way that the city discourages this hazardous action.
How to Recycle your Toilet

Surprisingly, there are recycling options for your toilet. You cannot just put your toilet in your recycling bin, but there are a good amount of recycling companies that take porcelain donations, which many toilets are made out of. All you would need to do is look up which companies in the area take porcelain and drive your toilet to that location. This option will only cost you gas money, and some companies may pay you a small amount of money depending on their policies and the quality of the porcelain.
Another option is giving your toilet away on a site like Freecycle, which is a free site where regular people can list items they are trying to get rid of and people with needs for those items can take them away for free. It is a great reuse option, and someone may need your old toilet (after it has been thoroughly cleaned).
Another option is to give away your old toilet to charity. Habitat for Humanity is always looking for household items like toilets to use in the construction of their homes. Call your local Habitat for Humanity and see if they could use your toilet to help make someone else’s life better. However, they will only accept your toilet donation if the toilet that you donate is in good condition.
Overall, it is surprisingly easy to get rid of your old toilet. You can simply put it in front of your house and have your garbage collectors take care of it, donate it, or you can take it to your local landfill. It is up to you which option you should choose.
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