Are you wondering if you can recycle your computer monitor? We’ve done the research and know the details about recycling monitors!
Never throw away computer monitors in curbside trash or recycling. They are made with hazardous materials and could leak toxic chemicals into the air of the environment. Take computer monitors to the monitor manufacturer, a recycling center, or to a donation center to dispose of them.
Below we have some more details about your computer monitors and how exactly you should dispose of them. Read the options carefully and think about how you could be helping the environment and the people around us by properly disposing of your computer monitors.
Why Not to Recycle Computer Monitors
Throwing away your computer monitors is extremely dangerous to our environment and you should never throw them out. Computer monitors can leak lead and other toxins into the air and pollute our world. It is not only dangerous to throw your monitors out, but it is also possibly illegal. Due to the e-waste that is put into our environment, you may even be fined a large amount if you set your computer monitors out on the curb.
We want to keep our environment as clean and our air as fresh as possible. Throwing away your computer monitors is very dangerous and you should never just throw them in the trash.
How to Correctly Dispose of Your Computer Monitors
Although you should never throw your computer monitors in the trash, there are multiple other ways you can properly dispose of them.

Take to Monitor Manufacturer
There are so many other ways you can get rid of your monitors without harming the environment. One of those ways is by taking them to Apple or Microsoft if they are from those companies. Apple runs a reuse and recycling program for electronics you don’t want anymore. You can even get credit back if your electronics are in good enough condition.
Microsoft allows you to trade in any old electronics for store credit if you go to any Microsoft store location. If they have no value, they will wipe them of any important data and they will recycle it for you safely. You can even request a prepaid postage label where you can mail your electronics in instead of going in person.
Places like Best Buy, Goodwill, and Staples have take-back recycling options as well. There are always ways to safely dispose of your monitors and these are just some of them.
These stores and monitor manufacturers have taken the time and energy to find and make time to help you get to recycle and reuse your monitors. Help keep our world clan by taking them up on their offer. You may even earn some money!
Take to Recycling Center
Different cities have recycling centers where they allow you to take in your electronics and they will recycle them for you. This is an easy way for you to dispose of your unwanted monitors without negatively affecting the environment. They will even take more than just computer monitors. They will take cell phones, computers, televisions, CRTs, microwaves, and more. Depending on the size of the electronic, there may be a small fine. The fines are usually $20 or less. Depending on the size of your computer monitor, you may have to pay that fee.
Take to Donation Center
Donating your computer monitors is another great way to dispose of monitors you no longer want or need. This is a way to not just help yourself, but it allows you to help other people who may need your monitors more than you do. If your monitors are in good, working condition, consider taking them to your nearest donation center. Places like Goodwill, Savers, and Deseret Industries, accept donations of electronics. If you wipe the data yourself, sanitize them, and take them to the donation center, the store can take it from there.
Doing this not only helps the environment stay clean of any toxic chemicals, but it also helps other people if they are in need of a computer monitor.
How to Know When Your Monitor Needs to be Disposed of
If you are not sure when to dispose of your computer monitor, we have certain things to look for that can determine if they are ready to be disposed of. Computer monitors usually last an average of four or five years. This is only an average, so if your monitor starts to act up, you may want to get rid of it sooner. If your monitor begins to run slow or malfunction, it may be time to find the right way to dispose of it.
If you take your monitors to the place you purchased them (Best Buy, Apple, etc), they will be able to help you determine whether or not your monitor has more life, or if it should be correctly disposed of.
How Else to be Environmentally Safe with Monitors
There are so many important reasons why we should be as environmentally safe especially when it comes to monitors. If we are green when it comes to monitors, then we could help keep our world so much healthier. The plastics used, the carbon footprints made, the light it gives off, and the power it uses can help determine if it’s eco-friendly. An article by Heather Clancy tells us the five of the best eco-friendly monitor vendors.
If being eco-friendly and environmentally safe is something for you, I would highly suggest looking at getting a computer monitor that is considered safe for the environment.

It’s very important to stay responsible when it comes to disposing of possibly hazardous materials like those found in computer monitors. Read the options above with great care, and do research based on your location to find the best monitor manufacture stores, recycling centers, and donation centers so you can properly get rid of your computer monitors. It is not that much work and helps save the environment. Be safe, smart, and do it the right way!
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